Service Anderson Creations Testimonial

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  • Eric C Anderson Principal RAnderson Creations
    E-mail Address: 1382 Hastings Lane Gardnerville,
    Nevada 89410. United States

    Anderson Creations has a number of different business areas. One is providing web design and promotion for a number of clients. Another is selling our own fine art photography on the web. In both cases, we have used pay-per-click for a number of years, and had tried some other approaches to improve “natural” ranking with little success. While we knew we could increase traffic with more and more spent on PPC, we wanted to also bring into play more traffic from the main search results. Thus, we started looking at SEO offerings. While we had downloaded some “self-SEO” tools, it became clear that significant time and energy would be needed to seriously affect our ratings, and certainly there are tools that appear to be quite powerful for this purpose, we concluded that a more effective use of our resources was to focus on what we did best and pay someone else that did SEO all the time to do it for us.

    Hence, I searched for SEO companies using the Yahoo search engine. I searched for the term “SEO”. eBrandz was one of the many listings in search results. Some results were irrelevant – how to do it yourself sites selling tools. I had already tried that, and decided not to take that path (after having purchased some tools, looked them over, and realized that a lot of time would be required to do it right). There were some very impressive SEO sites, with long lists of what they did, with big names of customers, some even with downloadable PDF files with details on “how to select an SEO company” and the like. I contacted some of them, only to learn that we were talking 20K to 50K per year! This was way outside our budget. When I found eBrandz, they had a similar list of things they did, but the rates were considerably lower. I was familiar with and other countries as a good place for low-cost engineering, and the rates being offered were very attractive.

    Sure, there was concern. Dump money into an ecommerce page, and hope… But then, I had previously tried a different company (which shall go unnamed) that was in the USA. They took the money, built 3 “promotion” sites that did absolutely nothing, and ran. We were unable to get any satisfaction or money back, even though they were in the BBB (as we are). And, they were a lot more expensive. So being in did not concern me – Americans are just as good at ripping people off as any other country….

    Since I have had even more trouble with some American companies (such as the one noted above), I would say the communications were adequate and… well, true. I could actually believe what was said, and if something was promised, it was delivered. Or, if I asked for something that was not automatically provided, such as a comparison of search engine ranking from start to current month, it would be provided without question in a day or two. I feel I can rely on eBrandz opinion. For example, I got an email offering a service for dramatically increasing cross-linking. Sounded great. I asked eBrandz’s opinion, and got some good feedback, which suggested that I should give it a pass (which I did).

    For my client website, it’s easy to see vastly improved natural rankings on Google, Yahoo, and MSN as a direct result of eBrandz work. That is our primary measure of success. We went from 8 search terms with page one and two rank to 31. We had no ranking on Google, ended up with 4 page one terms and 4 page 2 terms. That is a pretty major improvement. Note that this site had been in-place since 2001, and already had a high traffic. Thus, the SEO effort greatly enhanced our visibility for our chosen search terms. The work certainly increased our visibility. In this business, visibility in search results is key. While selling books, tapes, and CD’s is certainly important, having people read the content on the site is just as important, and often results in sales at a later date.

    For my own site, prior to the SEO effort, I had not invested in any PPC. The visitor rates were rising, but we were talking a few thousand per month at the time I signed up. We started seeing a significant increase in traffic very quickly, and it is now running at over 10K visitors per month. We are also seeing potential members asking about signup (members would sell their fine art photography online at our website). When this started, I knew we were beginning to get traction. I am selling into a tough market – fine art photography – with a lot of competition and a basic difficulty of product display. While monitors are nice, and the photos look great on a good monitor, they do not represent effectively the quality of the print. It is difficult to overcome this on the web for serious buyers. We are still working on this problem. I do not expect to see significant sales until we reach 40K visitors per month, since most visitors are just looking for “pretty pictures” and not fine art. However, the value of increased visibility has already been seen for local sales and reputation for both artists on the site.

    Yes we would definitely recommend eBrandz as they provide very good work at excellent prices.

    Thank You Again.

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